Mike McGonegal for the Michigan House

Mike McGonegal is running for the Michigan House of Representatives from the 66th District, and this is his official campaign blog. It is monitored and posted b y his Communications Director.


Come to the fair and meet Mike and say hello

I have been experiencing connection problems with my computor for the past week, so I haven’t been able to post much. Hopefully, it will be cleared up soon.

For those who want to meet Mike, he will be at Fowlerville Livingston County Fair at the Livingston County Democratic Party’s booth from 7-9 p.m. today, Thursday July 13.
This year, we are in the merchants shelter, just across from the grandstand instead of under like we used to be. I don’t know why we were moved. Traditionally, we were just one booth away from the republicans. There is a debate among those who have worked the booth at both places. On the one hand, it’s cooler and the fresh air is wonderful, but on the other hand there is more traffic under the grandstand.

So come and meet our next representative from the 66th District.

I worked the booth and it was great to see so many people come over and say hello and say this year they are voting for a Democrat. It was also nice to see the taffies, despite we didn’t have nearly the swag the republicans had to give away.

Noticeably absent was any sign of Chris Ward. No signs, stickers or balloons bearing his name. I wandered over to the gop booth to see what kind of campaign literature and swag my tax dollars had bought, and I saw no Chris Ward stuff. Maybe I just missed it.

Elections are great motivatees for politicians to get them back in torch with the people that elected them, make them accountable again and getting them to do the job we elected them to do. Apparently, not even an election is gong to make Mr. Ward more accessible to the constituents.


At 6:53 AM, Blogger bluzie said...

It's a shame that Chris Ward takes this election for granted!!
Go Mike GO!

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Not really Bluzie. The shame is Chris Ward is taking his constituents for granted. Taking the election for granted is just one more symptom in his neglect of the people of the 66th District and the arrogance he has displayed again and again. Elections are often the only times many politicians pay attention to the residents, and he must figure he doesn’t have to lower himself to campaign because he’s a lock. Just another symptom of his arrogance.


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