Mike McGonegal for the Michigan House

Mike McGonegal is running for the Michigan House of Representatives from the 66th District, and this is his official campaign blog. It is monitored and posted b y his Communications Director.


GOP-controlled Legislature is anti-middle class and working family

Mark Gaffney, the president of the Michigan AFL-CIO, recently wrote a column in the July 21 edition of the Detroit News called GOP Lawmakers are anti-worker. Perhaps a better title might be GOP Lawmakers are anti-middle class. There is a serious dislike and assault on unions right now, in Livingston County as well as the nation. Unions created the middle class that the majority of the population here call themselves, and even though many of us, myself included, are not members of a union, we have all benefited from the hard fought wage and benefit concessions they earned.
But Mr. Gaffney males a better case than I can. Here’s the full column-

GOP majorities opposed many moves to hike pay and benefits
Union members are predominantly Democrats in Michigan. While there are plenty of independent members and some who vote for Republican candidates, 65 percent of Michigan union members identify themselves as Democrats. Why is this? Our members understand that there is a large difference between most elected Republicans and most elected Democrats on worker's issues.
This legislative cycle in Michigan shows that difference. The Republican majority in Michigan's House and Senate only passed a minimum wage increase when they were pushed into a corner by a highly successful ballot petition drive supported by 80 percent of Michigan voters. Indeed, Republican state Rep. Rick Baxter, in joining 33 of his colleagues in voting against the increase, said that his "worst day was when we passed the minimum wage. That was one of those days when I sat back and thought, this day will never come while we're in power. That's pretty easy as far as the worst."
Cold on unemployment
Other examples of Republican lack of interest in working family's issues included the Republican majority in both the State House and Senate refusing to take up an increase in the level of unemployment benefits (a Democrat introduced the bill) or an extension in the number of weeks for collecting unemployment benefits (again, a Democrat introduced the bill).
The most recent example was this past June when Republicans (and only the Republicans) voted to take away overtime from thousands of Michigan workers. Not one Democrat voted for this.
The Republican-led state House and Senate have also refused to act on a Democratic proposal to end gender discrimination in the work place by passing a Pay Equity law to require employers to pay men and women equal compensation for comparable work. One would think that ending wage discrimination would be a bi-partisan issue.
In another example, the Democrats have introduced legislative packages to protect employee rights on the job and to help working families who have seen their job outsourced to another country. Once again, the Republican leadership refuses to even hold a hearing to discuss these proposals. What are they afraid of? Working families have good reason to be skeptical of a party that will not even discuss issues that are of great importance to their well being.
Labor is often criticized for only endorsing and supporting Democrats, but the fact of the matter is we support those who support us. Time and time again, on the national, state and local levels, Democrats show that they keep working families' interests in mind. Maybe that is the long and short of this. Working men and women support Democrats because the record shows that when the vote matters, Republicans often don't support working families.


At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow.. your layout is shitty.

You may want to do something about that before you comment on OUR site and tell us that WE don't know what we're doing.

And have you even noticed what unions have done to places like Michigan? Those little "CLOSED" signs on your automobile plants? Yeah.. Unions did that.

At 10:45 AM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Thank you for the comment and visiting our site Mr. Taylor. However, I never commented on your site, nor did I ever say you didn’t know what you were doing. I did say you did not know what you were talking about and comment on some of your misinformation, and that is true. This is a site about content, and content is what we are concerned about here.

What unions have done for Michigan is create a middle class and allow parents to send their children to college, making education not just a privilege for the rich, as well as protect the safety of workers when the workplace was the most dangerous place in America. And the “closed” signs on our automobile pants are because of corporate greed and bush’s policies, not the unions.

Again, Mr. Taylor, thank you for your comments, and please feel free to comment any time.

At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Ms. Taylor.

And if you click on the link for my name, you'll see that you HAVE posted ridiculous bits in the comments section of my site.

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

I apologize Ms. Taylor. However, I did not post anything “ridiculous” on your site.

At 4:48 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

While you may be right, Ms. Taylor, that we can’t blame bush for everything, unfortunately, there is no accountability at all in this administration, but my background says that the man at the helm always gets the blame, credit and responsibility. I would love to go back to the years of economic prosperity under President Clinton, where we had a balanced federal budget instead of record deficits. It was also bush who stripped all the fair trade provisions out of the agreement.

I know of no Communists who excused or openly support illegal immigration,
All I know of Pat Buchanan is what I see on TV, so the answer to your question of will I support a “Buchanan-esque agenda” the answer is no. However, Mike has a very open mind, and we need everyone’s ideas to solve these problems facing our state. Do you have any suggested reading?

No communist has ever ruled Michigan. However, republicans currently control the state House, Senate and the Supreme Court and only since 2002 have the republicans not controlled the governor's office after 12 years of engler rule. It is under the rule of conservatives that Michigan has been bleeding jobs, especially on the federal level.
I don’t see unions or public schools as failing. I do see them as under attack. Detroit is one of America’s greatest cities. Does it have its problems? Heck yes. Show me an urban area that doesn’t.

You are correct when you say I’m “pretty respectful on my blog but not on yours.” In my defense, how respectful is “Smash Left-wing Scum.” I try and devote posting time to my own blog, amid my other jobs, volunteer work and my family, but when I see something that’s untruly or angers me I tend to post. I will try and be respectful.

At 4:54 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

I just realized I was talking to the wrong person in the last post. It was really Drageses.
I apologize for that mistake. But everything I said still applies.

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Why isn’t the governor to blame for all the problems? That’s an easy answer, the republicans have controlled everything at the federal and state level since at last 2000, and the governor has only been in office since 2002. Also, according a column in Sunday’s Detroit Free Press by Kevin Murphy, a professor of economics at Oakland University and a political independent, governments influence macroeconomic activity in two ways: monetary policy (i.e., interest rates) and fiscal policy (taxing and spending). States do not engage in monetary policy.
According to Mr. Murphy, “My basic point, then, is that the state's poor economy cannot be blamed on the governor. She simply does not have the fiscal or monetary policy tools at her disposal either to have caused it to tank in the first place or to yank it out of the doldrums now.”

Second, the answer to your question, “…are you honestly arguing that leftists don't support illegal immigration?” The answer is I have no idea, nor do I care. I don’t know any communists. SEIU is not communist; it’s a labor union, and a very good one. I resent the use of the word leftist because to me it means communist.

I was asking for essays or news articles on Buchanan. I’m not going to waste my time reading an entire book he has written when there are much better books I’m reading and want to read. When you say a “relevant topic for your state” are you saying you are not from Michigan?

I don’t really know what Mike’s stand on immigration is. It’s not a big issue in Michigan, nor is it even a state issue. He’s concerned with jobs, and so are the many people he meets every night when he goes door-to-door. Also, try asking the question with some respect; he’s not a communist, nor do we even know any.

Public schools are under attack from such people like dick devos and the voucher crowd, and the misguided and unfounded not a dime for any child policy has not done anything to improve education. Why would we not want to consult teacher’s unions? Why would we not want to consult the educated people who are in the classroom everyday?

Again, I have no idea what communists are arguing for, nor do I care. Now, when you say left wing I understand what you are talking about. You are telling me with a straight face that half of the U.S. population should be smashed? You are more than misguided. This country’s Constitution was created by compromising with people who disagreed, and it has proven to be the cornerstone of the greatest self-government in history.


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