Mike McGonegal for the Michigan House

Mike McGonegal is running for the Michigan House of Representatives from the 66th District, and this is his official campaign blog. It is monitored and posted b y his Communications Director.


State Convention proves another opportunity to talk to voters

Mike and I both spent the weekend at the Democratic State Convention this weekend in Detroit.

Unfortunately, I was only able to attend one of the caucuses and only vote for the Attorney General and Secretary of State on the convention floor on Sunday because I volunteered to work at the registration desk and give out credentials. It was fun, but I regret missing the first-ever blogger conference they held. However, I did get to meet a lot of different people from all over the state. When ever I work a party function like this, and this is the second time I have worked at a convention, I am amazed at all the different people from every race, ethnic group, national origin and economic level that attend these conventions.

Mike used the time to do what he does best, talk to people. To have the opportunity to talk to a lot of people from all over the state to gather information about the similar problems they are facing and to hear some ideas about solving some problems was invaluable. Because the party is so diverse, he was able to talk to the whole gamut of people being hurt by the economy, including representatives of labor, workers, business owners, management and local state and federal elected officials.

It was a thrill to see Democracy in action. There was actually a floor fight for both Attorney General and Secretary of State, and we have two excellent candidates. This is only the second such convention I have attended, but some people I talked to who have been to many conventions told me that by summer convention time the nominees for Supreme Court, State Board of Education, candidates for the board’s of the state’s public universities, attorney general and secretary of state are already decided. However, this year, for the first time in many years as I was told, the nominee for AG and SOS had not yet been settled.

Voting is proportional broken down by Congressional District and then county. Livingston County went unanimously with its 34 votes for the eventual winners, the next AG Amos Williams and SOS Carmella Sabaugh.

Sabaugh had some interesting ideas Mike would like to propose as legislation when he is elected. They want to change the deadline for registering to vote from 30 days before the election to allowing same day registration, she pledges – and the law should make it mandatory – not to serve on any campaign committee while serving as the state’s chief election official, allow anyone to vote absentee for any reason and support automatic voter registration when you get your driver’s license or state ID.

The goal is to actually increase voter turnout from the average dismal turnout of 25-40 percent of registered voters we normally see to as near to 100 percent as possible. It doesn’t seem right that a minority of the people are making decisions for everyone.

This is in share contrast to Chris Ward’s efforts to thrown roadblocks in front of people who want to vote, like his unconstitutional bill that will require people to show an ID card in order to vote. It’s unusual for a former clerk to work to try and keep voter turnout down and disenfranchise voters, but it’s just another scheme to try and keep him and his cronies in power.


At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well, I’ve had enough of the conservative agenda that has turned America upside down.


I’m going to serve up a liberal agenda and turn an American pint or two upside down.


This Thursday from 7 pm until the last liberal American pint turner upside downer leaves, or 10 pm, whichever comes first. :)


Bo’s Brewery, 51 S. Saginaw, Pontiac (inside the Woodward Loop off Huron [M-59])

Come join us at the Oakland County Drinking Liberally Chapter when we reconvene for a night of discussion between like-minded liberals.

Oakland County Drinking Liberally is one of the newest chapters in a nationwide organization formed to “Raise Democracy One Pint at a Time.”

You can find out more about us at DrinkingLiberally.org.

We’re looking for all of you liberals that have had enough of the current state of affairs in D.C. and Michigan and even our own communities.

It’s time for us to put our heads together, while the pint heads disappear in a great atmosphere that’s open to us all.

Please rsvp me at oaklandcounty@drinkingliberally.com and bring a friend or two.

Co-hosted by Ron Wasczenski

At 5:58 AM, Blogger liberalshateusa said...

Why do the great liberal minds have to drink to have a intelligent debate. Conservatives meet in coffee shops, liberals meet in bars. Drink a few pints then drive home that is a good moral family value. Losers.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Thanks for posting. We appreciate any comments, no matter how asinine or stupid. We look forward to the day when you actually have something intelligent to say.

Come back soon.

At 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

liberals Hate America? Liberals are the final patriots in America, having passionate discussions, voicing dissent, finding out facts, producing evidence and speaking truth. Having blind faith in bad leaders is NOT patriotic. Have a coffee if you want, just quit drinking Bush's kool-aid and maybe you'll eventually come to discover the truth yourself.
By the way, there's a Carry Nation get together in Holly this weekend. Celebrate the only Constitutional Amendment that was reversed.

At 2:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the liberals hate America poster:
First of all, thanks for the compliment, but I humbly do not consider myself a great liberal mind. I'm just someone who cares deeply about the direction America has been taken down over the past 5 and a half years.
Secondly, you've set the bar for immorality pretty low. Going to a public meeting place that serves up good brew, and good food by the way, is a great place to openly discuss the issues of the day, just ask Samuel Adams.
Finally, I was never into "Friends" so I didn't get the whole hanging out in a coffeeshop thing. I mean, sitting around and getting some fancy latte da and all caffeined up just isn't right for some people but if it works for you, cool.
I need my sleep (no caffeine at night), I have a real job, with a loving family, a dog and a good coffee maker.

At 11:01 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Welcome to the blog, izard, and thank you for posting. I agree with you 100 percent. The one thing we should have learned from the Founding Fathers is to question our government constantly and to have a healthy mistrust of them like they did, but some how misguided, hate-filled people like liberal here have twisted that great advice around 180 degrees.

We hope to hear some of your words of wisdom in the future, and don’t be a stranger.

At 11:10 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Thanks for posting, Ron. I would say don’t feed the troll, but everyone is welcome to comment here, even misguided people like liberal. What can you expect from the latte drinking, Lexus driving crowd that looks down on people who work for a living and actually pay taxes like you, Mike and I.

I’m afraid Mike and I missed the get together. Maybe we can make it in the future. I don’t drink anymore, and I’m not sure if Mike does. The Irish in him might be tempted to hoist a pint or two, and if so I can be his designated driver.

We can use some supporters in western Oakland County because of the flaky way the district boundaries were redrawn a few years ago, so the 66th District takes in Milford. If you can send any supporters our way we would appreciate it, and we look for forward to meeting you.

At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I did make a note last night at Bo's that they have some great home brewed root beer (0% alcohol) which I wouldn't mind trying myself. We can share a pitcher of that one evening.

The Free Press is running an article this Sunday, I think, on Drinking Liberally and the reporter called Bo's to confirm the address and so forth. She called back saying that Bo's really wasn't very enthusiastic about the situation so I immediately headed out to Pontiac to see what the story was.
I met with Collette, the manager of Bo’s Brewery, and after we talked everything is fine.

Collette misunderstood the “liberal” meaning and took it as volume drinking as opposed to political leaning, which we had a good laugh over. She thanked me for choosing them as our meeting site and we are now scheduled in her reservation book for Thursday evenings thru the elections in Nov.

We had 8 people attend last night and it was a lot of fun and interesting, not only because of the topics discussed but on the “small world” occurrences. A couple people went to school together, one knew the other’s mother very well, and one worked at a firm that had performed some extensive consulting with the other’s company.

We had some real lively discussions and although we usually had one big topic of conversation going, it morphed into two or three smaller conversations.

We all shared experiences about the Dream Cruise- Nancy Skinner’s Tank of Gas Party, the abortion van that always shows up unfortunately at the event, Keith Olbermann’s take down of Rumsfeld on his Thursday night show, the Michigan political blogging scene, Granholm and Stabenow campaign financing compared to DeVos’s billions, fundraising in general and the cost of television advertising, redistricting and the importance of winning midterm elections for our state representatives and senators, how the “silent majority” organized 30 years ago and how the Democratic Party has started in this direction with Howard Dean’s 50-State Strategy, and probably a few I missed from the sub-conversations happening.

All-in-all, it’s exactly why I wanted to organize this. It left me energized, more hopeful for the future, and the night erased (or at least tempered temporarily) a lot of frustration I had been feeling about the current atmosphere the Bush Administration has gotten us into.

My goal is to get as many people active in this as possible so that a good group will be in attendance each meetup. I’m sure that this will happen and I’m sure that the “small world” situations and the feelings I left with will continue to reoccur.

If you come to the Arts, Beats and Eats in Pontiac on Sunday, I’ll be at the Oakland County Democratic Party booth from 11 to 3. Otherwise, I'll be posting here as often as I can.

At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"don't feed the troll"
Understood, next time I'll supply a nice recipe for home made beer!

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Communications guru said...

It sounds like we missed a good time, and there was some great and interesting conversation, Ron. Sorry we missed it. Could you send us a reminder about a week before the next get together, and we will definitely try to make it.

We would love to meet you at the Arts, Beats and Eats Festival Sunday, but unfortunately, Mike is in Great Lakes, Ill. to see his son graduate from Navy boot camp this weekend, and some of my kids are coming to my house to spend the holiday weekend.

We look forward to meeting you and trying some of that root beer you talked about, me at least.

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Hey Ron, don’t worry about the troll. If fact, I not only welcome this guy to post, - as well as any one- I encourage it. I have "debated" this wing nut on another blog, and as proof that the Democratic Party does not have African-Americans in leadership roles he cited President Clinton’s murder of former Commerce Secretary Ron Brown in a “phony plane crash.”

Every time a wing nut like liberal here opens his mouth, the smarter we look. We want and need Republicans to vote for us, and we have found there are many out there who are intelligent, caring and concerned about their party’s race to the extreme right that plan to vote for us in November.

At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oakland County Drinking Liberally meets every Thursday at 7 pm, Bo's Brewery, Pontiac (SW corner of Huron and Saginaw) which are the main streets in town. We'll continue to meet every Thursday until the midterm elections, then we'll decide on bi-monthly or monthly meetups and possibly moving a night to another site.
So, next Thursday hope to see you there.
God Bless Mike's son on his graduation.
Have fun with the kids this weekend.


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