Mike McGonegal for the Michigan House

Mike McGonegal is running for the Michigan House of Representatives from the 66th District, and this is his official campaign blog. It is monitored and posted b y his Communications Director.


Mike McGonegal to debate opponent at newspaper forum

From the Sept. 17 edition of the Livingston County Daily Press & Argus

The Livingston County Daily Press & Argus, in collaboration with the Livingston County League of Women Voters, is presenting two candidate forums for the Nov. 7 general election.

The first forum — featuring legislative candidates — will begin at 6 p.m. Oct. 9 at the Howell High School auditorium, 1400 W. Grand River Ave. in Howell.
The second event — with the county's judicial candidates — takes place at 6 p.m. Oct. 10, also at the auditorium.

For both events, the Daily Press & Argus is continuing its practice of soliciting questions and areas of concern from readers. You can e-mail your questions to
elections@livingstondaily.com. These questions will be used to formulate those used in the event. The LWV will also solicit questions at the forum.

Both forums will also be cablecast for Comcast and Charter Communications customers.

I’m a little disappointed that the LWV partnered with the newspaper, not that the paper does not put on an excellent program that serves as a much-needed public service, but because I like the League’s format better and the exposure two major debates will afford Mike McGonegal.

The League traditionally held its forum in the courtroom at the Historic Livingston County Courthouse in downtown Howell, a wonderful setting, and their format calls for those who actually took the time to attend the debate to get their questions answered. With the format next month, readers mail their questions to the newspaper, and in the end the editorial board selects the questions that will be asked not the voters.

Also, in the past the LWV partnered with WHMI Radio with station news director Jon King as the emcee, and that ensured it was broadcast on the radio and archived for replay on their View Point radio show, plus Comcast broadcasted it many times leading up to the election increasing the exposure and allowing more people to be informed. I hate to see the radio shut out because they, like the newspaper, also do an excellent job informing people about the issues, so we would love to meet Mr. Ward on their View Point program for a debate.

The good news is Comcast is taping it. The other good thing about the newspaper’s forum is they have tables set up in the lobby with campaign material, and if you live in the 66th District while the debate between Mary Andersson and the incumbent for the 47th District is going on you can network in the lobby without disturbing people listening to the candidates they are eligible to vote for talk.

The bottom line is this, Mike McGonegal will debate Mr. Ward any where at anytime even if there is only two people in the audience. We want to see Mr. Ward try and defend and justify his atrocious record to the voters.

Please attend the forum, and thank the newspaper staff for providing a great public service.


At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CG, I know it behooves you and Mike to pretend the Livingston County Daily Press & Argus is an unbiased newspaper (Mike tried that same line when I talked to him at my home) but those of us who read that rag know better.

At 3:44 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

I guess we have found something we disagree on, and we will just have to agree to disagree. I personally know most the reporters and editors there, and I know them to be very motivated professionals who strive to present both sides of an issue.

My only real concern is, and where the most bias comes in, with choosing what will get covered. That’s a decision where upper management can play a very big role, and as we have seen in previous posts here, we have some reason to be concerned because of a contribution to the Ward campaign. But again, for the most part it is one of the state's best newspapers with a professional, competent and fair staff.

Unfortunately, after more than 30 years of the myth of the “liberal media bias” being pushed by the right, reporters tend to bend over backward to disprove that lie, and that’s why we are seeing rightwing bias now. It sure was an effective political strategy. If anything, the man who started it, Richard Nixon, was an excellent politician.

At 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a problem on the disagreement CG, I just call it the way I see it.

Many times I've seen articles written by Dan Meisler about Mike Rogers that have no business being on the front page of that rag and I've called him on it. Of course, he's never had the testicles to reply.

At 4:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way CG, you might want to take a look at the top of page 3 in today's (9/20) Press Argus and re-think your position there, my man.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Sorry, I’m not going to change my mind on my position, and I hope we can continue to politely agree to disagree. Better yet, maybe I can change your mind, but we don’t want to lose your support.

Mike Rogers is going to get lots of coverage for a couple of reasons. First he represents this area, and that’s just the advantage of an incumbent. Second, Rogers grew up here, graduated from Howell High School, and has family here that is very involved in the community, so he is kind of a favorite son.

I know Dam Meisler personally, and I know him to be a fair, open-mined person. I find it hard to believe he would not return your calls. There must be some misunderstanding or miscommunication. Here’s the newspaper’s no. (517) 548-2000. I guarantee every reporter wants and appreciates feedback, even if it’s negative and criticism. However, it should be constructive criticism and be polite when you do it.

They are striving to do a good job, and any help will be appreciated. No one, even me, writes in a vacuum, and they want people to read it. Feedback does that, and it helps them do a better job next time and it gives them a feel for what the community is thinking.

Since the Nixon administration journalists have been under attack and smeared by this political strategy – and that’s exactly what it is – called “liberal media bias.” It is not true, but it has worked so well. What we need to do is back up any conservative media bias we see with facts and politely and constructively point it out.

At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CG, you guys are not going to lose my support. There are 3 eligible voters at my house and you can take those 3 votes for Mike McGonegal to the bank!

At 4:13 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Thank you.

At 1:54 PM, Blogger Nik Faldo said...

Read your speech at the Mill Pond. What was the clear message????
Is it that you are for good stuff and your opponent either is for bad stuff or didn't do enough good stuff? If that was the clear message - I got it.

If you have a plan or a strategy - you never said.

I did get that you worked hard and have a fine family. Whoopi! You are supposed to do and have that.

You Dems never have actual strategies outside of raising taxes - which you never talk about and 'diversifying' - which is all you talk about.

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Nik Faldo said...

PS: The press and media is extremely bias to the liberal side.

To say otherwise makes you a fool or a liar. Which are you Mike?

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

There is a clear message, but you have obviously missed it, Mr. Faldo. Mike’s plan includes rewarding businesses that create jobs in Michigan, not those that outsource and downsize. His plan will encourage job creation, NOT job exportation. It will create a manufacturing jobs tax break. It will eliminate the personal property tax on businesses to stimulate manufacturing, R&D and small businesses. We will diversify our economy not to just include auto manufacturing, which is the root of our problems now, but it will be one of auto, high-tech research, alternative fuels and defense. Our manufacturing jobs tax break will re-build them in Michigan by rewarding companies that expand or locate in Michigan. We will fully fund the Michigan Economic Development Corporation to train and prepare workers who’ve lost jobs through no fault of their own.

The fact that is the most clear is the lousy job Mr. Ward has done. He has been in a position to actually change things for four years now. What’s his record? Where’s his plan? I just hope you ask the same things of him and you asked of Mike.

Where do you get the idea that Mike is “supposed to have a nice family.”? Look at Mr. Ward’s campaign web site, if you can find it, and see how much his family is mentioned.

We have shown you a plan, and where do we talk about raising taxes?

Neither Mike nor I are fools or liars when we refute your ridiculous claim that the media is liberally biased. It just shows how truly misinformed and gullible you are. That is a political strategy that Nixon began, and the smear tactic has worked so well that professional journalists have bent over so far backward to disprove that stupid lie that the pendulum has swung far to the right.


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