Mike McGonegal for the Michigan House

Mike McGonegal is running for the Michigan House of Representatives from the 66th District, and this is his official campaign blog. It is monitored and posted b y his Communications Director.


McGonegal praises deal that included EIC

RIGHTON ­- Mike McGonegal, candidate for the Michigan House of Representatives in the 66th District, praised the Legislature for its compromise this week that saw the so-called “Minimum Wage Fix-it bill,” the Youth Minimum Wage Training Law and the income tax credit for low-income workers approved. However, he criticized his opponent, Chris Ward, as one of only three Representatives and Senators to vote against the income tax credit and working families.

“Compromising and working with people who disagree with you to get things accomplished is how this country was formed more than 200 years ago, and it’s how all the great and lasting legislative accomplishments have been achieved,” McGonegal said. “Mr. Ward has proved time and time again he does not have that ability, and he also continues to show his lack of caring and respect for working families.”

The overtime fix-it bill will maintain the status quo for workers who were ineligible for over time pay under the lower federal minimum wage. Under the Senate Bill 453, low-income workers would get to claim a 20 percent earned-income tax credit on top of the existing federal credit starting in January 2008. In 2004, about 663,000 families with incomes below $35,458 received federal refund checks for earned income tax credits, and based on those numbers, families would get a refund check from the state for just above $350 on average, according to published reports.

The Republican leaders in both the House and Senate praised the bill as a good deal that touches on both Republican and Democratic philosophies because it cuts taxes and stimulates the economy, but it also helps poor people.

“This is economics 101 because it puts money right back into the economy,” McGonegal said. “This is how effective government really works, and it shows what can be accomplished when you bring reasonable people from both sides to the table.”



At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post. Is it my imagination or does the Republican legislature seem to accomplish more when they are on the verge of an election?

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

wouldn’t actually call it accomplish, but I get your point. You are right. To get things done it takes compromise and working with the other sides of the aisle, sometimes even if you are in the majority as in this case. Too bad Mr. Ward is incapable of doing that.
In his world it’s just a case of introducing the law to give the impression you are doing something important even if you know it will go no where.

At 9:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is a 'working family'? Can we have a definition please?
You liberals are claim to be for 'working families'. What is the definition of this oh so special group?
Do you even know?

At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, if you understand we need to educate our children to prepare the next generation - then of course you are for vouchers and against the teachers unions - correct?
After all it is the teachers unions who are to blame for the sorry state of our schools today.

At 10:30 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

A working family is one where the primary income comes from wages earned from going to work each day, raising a family and trying to support that family against the backdrop of their median income and buying power dropping everyday.

Mike and I not only “claim to be for 'working families’” we are part of working families.

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Of course Mike and I understand we need to educate our children to prepare the next generation, and that’s exactly why we do not support vouchers. In fact, neither do the voters of Michigan because they soundly rejected vouchers seven years ago, despite more Amway millions being spent on the anti-public school initiative. Are you actually a Michigan Voter?

We also support unions because they created the middle class and actually made it safe to go to work. Secondly, we totally disagree with your baseless claim that our schools are in “a sorry state.”

Can you tell me what this has to do with Mr. Ward’s out-of-the-mainstream vote against working families?

We have no problem with trolls and we welcome them, but please try and stay on subject.

At 4:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still waiting for a definition of 'working families'. Hard to stay on subject when you purposely avoid defining it. But they teach you these things in DNC training but fail to tell you what the catch phrase actually means.

Let's see - parents in Detroit openly cheer when their child wins a lottery to get in a charter school and openly weep when they don't. But you deny Michigan schools are in sorry shape?
As a union dufus you must say that - making you a liar or a hypocrite.

Repeating the lie that unions 'created' the middle class, does not make it true. But let's pretend it is. So what???
Let's pretend it was a communist ideal that worked and built the middle class. You think 'the middle' is where Americans strive to be?

Even liberal economists knows Minimum Wage laws hurt the least employable among us. The dirty little secret is that union contracts usually have an 'automatic raise' clause in them if the minimum wage is increased. You are hurting the poorest Americans to help your union donators to the DNC. Pathetic pandering sir.

At 9:15 AM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Yes I did answer it. I refer you to my pervious post at 11:30.

Just because you say “parents in Detroit openly cheer when their child wins a lottery to get in a charter school and openly weep when they don't.” certainly doesn’t make it true. In fact, I don’t believe it. However, charter schools are public schools, and I seem to recall many charter schools folding right in the middle of the school year because they were ran by private companies that didn’t know what they were doing or weren’t making enough money. I will research that to show you some examples.

I have never been in a union, but I’m smart enough and been around enough to see how they have benefited the workingman. From establishing the 40-hour week to making the work place safe they have made life better for working families. I have also seen how employers have exploited workers and rewarded their years of loyalty and hard work by firing them months before they get their pensions and other injustices.

It’s an acknowledged fact that unions helped create the middle class. It has raised the standard of living in this country, ensured everyone has almost equal access to education and freed people to volunteer in their community, spend time with their families and make the world a better place. That’s “so what.”

Do Americans strive to be “in the middle?” They strive to be able to feed their families, put a decent roof over their heads, put decent clothes on their backs, give them the opportunity for the best education possible and for them to be free from want. That sounds like the middle to me. Nothing I talked about sounds communist to me. You keep talking so much about communism like it's a bad thing, but your candidate for governor is pandering to the largest communist empire in the world to save a few bucks on soap flakes, but you have no problem with that.

All that crap about the minimum wage is simply not true, and they are nothing but gop talking points. You have absolutely no data or facts to back up that wild myth.

You are hurting the poorest Americans to help line the pockets of rich corporations. Pathetic pandering sir.

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement, Chris. I actually run the blog for Mike as his Communications Director while he is actually talking to voters face-to-face.
Your post and links are excellent research tools.

As for Mr. Dagny, I made the mistake of trying to have a civilized debate with him on his blog, big mistake. I agree with you on your assessment of him. If you don’t agree with him 100 percent then you’re a traitor. I know Republicans and conservatives love this country just as much as I do, but we just disagree on how to make it better.

Please do not be a stranger, and we welcome your informed opinion on what we post now and in the future.

At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will do, CG. I should have known Mike didn't have time to run a blog. He's been to my house twice and both times he wasn't in a hurry to leave. Both times I had to tell him to go, you already have my vote, so go convince some one else. He's personable, sincere and he's definitely getting my vote! If all politicians were like him this country would be sailing along.

As for people like Dagny, don't bother. He's a angry fool and I bet you a 100 to 1, he's never done a thing for this country other than complain about it. And, his 'blog'? I wouldn't call that a blog. It's a forum for idiots.


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