Mike McGonegal for the Michigan House

Mike McGonegal is running for the Michigan House of Representatives from the 66th District, and this is his official campaign blog. It is monitored and posted b y his Communications Director.


Campaign finance report proves Ward represents special interests

Friday was the deadline for candidates to file pre-primary campaign statements with the Michigan Secretary of State, and Chris Ward’s statement only confirms what we have been saying all along, his contributors are all from special interests groups.

He has only raised $5,700 since his last report filed in January, but that’s coupled with previously unspent money to give a total of more than $17,000.

The pre-primary report does not list one single individual donor. The only donors are Political Actions Committees (PACS) and special interest groups, including a $1,000 donation from the Michigan Beer and Wine Wholesalers Association in April; that must be in payment for the bill he pushed that would have made Michigan residents only able to order a bottle of wine from a wholesaler. You have to go back to his annual campaign finance report filed on Jan. 31 to find an actual person who contributed to his campaign, and they are few and far between.

However, the interesting thing in Friday’s report is the more than $13,000 worth of expenditures. In addition to the $500 and $800 monthly cell phone bills, is an $8,000 contribution from Ward to the HRCC, which is the House Republican Campaign Committee. I don’t know about you, but $8,000 is a lot of money to me, at least at one shot. I cringe when I write my monthly mortgage payment that has four numbers to the left of the decimal point.

I wonder what it must be like to write an $8,000 check. You have to wonder if that’s payment for getting promoted as the Floor Majority Leader.


At 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It strikes me as a strange political tactic to attack a popular, respected elected official like Chris Ward in his own backyard, someone who was elected by a landslide, and accuse him of being a bought-and-paid-for politician. This is especially weird considering he only raised $5,700 in the last reporting period for a whopping total of, get this, $17,000 cash on hand.

Chris Ward has been serving the public here in Livingston County since he was 18 years old and served on the Brighton Township Board. He went on to serve as clerk there until he was elected to the Michigan House of Representatives.

Attacking how much money an incumbent has raised is a common ploy of underfunded challengers. The voters see through these kind of parabolic panderings.

At 7:36 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

I don’t know how you can consider pointing out the facts an attack, and the facts stand by themselves.

I question who Mr. Ward has been serving, especially since he went to Lansing, and he certainly has not been serving and representing the people of the 66th District. You are correct that Mr. Ward has been in government since age 18, but what we need now to help us solve our serious structural problems in Michigan is a man like Mike McGonegal, who has 28 years of experience in the business world, compared to Mr. Ward who has never, ever held a job in the private sector, and who has spent his entire professional career looking to fill the next higher office.

Grassroots campaigns are also under-funded, compared to an incumbent who represents the special interests. Voters can see that too.


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