Mike McGonegal for the Michigan House

Mike McGonegal is running for the Michigan House of Representatives from the 66th District, and this is his official campaign blog. It is monitored and posted b y his Communications Director.


Ward fiddles while Michigan’s economy fizzles

Despite the state facing a $2 billon hole in the state budget because Chris Ward and the rest of the Michigan Legislature voted to repel the Single Business Tax, without a replacement, Ward is busy wasting his time trying to influence the U.S. Congress on much more trivial matters and pandering to his base.

Despite facing a deadline to find a replacement for the SBT or face cutting prisons, police, fire, road maintenance and helping the working poor with medial care and food, Ward found time on Aug. 16 to introduce House Joint Resolution AA to “petition the U.S. Congress to call for a convention to amend the U.S. Constitution to require congressional districts to be apportioned on the basis of U.S. citizens in the district, rather than on the basis of raw population.”

He found time to do this when the Legislature is on summer break, and it meets at a maximum - when it’s not canceled - once a week during the summer. Where are his priorities? He should be addressing the serious problems facing the state’s economy and the huge budget deficit we will soon face when nothing is found to replace the SBT before the deadline, but instead he is hell bent on writing discrimination into the U.S. Constitution. He is also on some kick against aliens, and this is just a continuation on his move earlier this year to identify Michigan drivers as U.S. citizens, or noncitizens, on their driver's licenses with House Bill 6086.

Ward’s resolution is the same discriminatory move that was introduced last summer by U.S. Rep. Candace Miller in the form of U.S. House Resolution. 53. Miller’s resolution was heard by the House Government Reform Subcommittee on Federalism and the Census in December, and thankfully, it hasn’t been heard from since. Does Ward not think Miller is capable of doing her job?

It’s ironic that this discriminatory Amendment they are pushing would most likely supercede the 14th Amendment that was passed after the Civil War because southerners would not accept African-Americans as citizens. It would do away with an Amendment that stands as a beacon for eliminating prejudice for one that encourages discrimination.

It has been referred to the committee Ward chairs, the House Oversight, Elections and Ethics Committee.

I wonder if we will see a repeat of the fisacaco of last May when Ward threatened to forcibly remove a Catholic Priest from the hearing room or arrest him when Ward held hearings on the driver’s license bill for daring to want to speak against the discriminatory bill.

Rev. Cecilio Reyna, the pastor of St. Mary Catholic Church, just wanted to tell Ward about his mother, A Mexican national who married an American GI in 1957, then lived in the U.S. as a noncitizen, LEGAL resident for 40 years, and she was tax-paying resident with a job and a Social Security number for that entire time.

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At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote for Mike. He came to my door last week. I liked what he had to say.
Genoa Township Resident

At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Current State Representative Chris Ward has been propelled forward by the Republicans of Livingston County from his position as Brighton Township Clerk. Look at the state of Brighton Township! Congressman Mike Rogers DAD, John Rogers was the head of the Trustees and left a mess of tax burdens with sewers and a myriad of other problems when he retired a couple of years ago. John Rogers retired, took benefits and left the mess to the people. Now Chris Ward is the third most powerful Republican in the Legislature and does nothing to help Livingston County. The so called leadership of the Livingston County area are self serving. Livingston County is a bedroom community of Detroit and as such the people commuting to and fro and their busy lives leave little time to attend Township meetings, read even the free local papers and even talk to thier neighbors. So essentially the people of Livingston County are uninformed. 25 percent of people read newspapers so polls say, probably less in Livingston County.Now Chris Ward wants to change the U.S. Constitution so it is apportioned based upon the number of US Citizens! This is an outrage for many reasons. Livingston County has people from all over the world here working for the many multinational companies in engineering & manufacturing. Many make six figure incomes. Are they and their American born children second class citizens? Outraged in Livingston County.

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Thank you for your kind comments Genoa resident. Mike is still in your neighborhood, at least until he goes to Great Lakes this weekend to see his son graduate from Navy Boot Camp there. I wish I were going with him. That’s where I went through boot camp, and it would bring back some great memories. But I regress.

I can promise you this, Genoa, Chris Ward will not show up at your door.

At 10:45 AM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Thank you for posting, Outraged, and we hope you continue. I agree with you on Mr. Ward. He doesn’t seem to spend much time in the district talking or listening to voters.

We need to get the word out to those people who are too busy trying to earn a living in this tough economy on how Ward has done nothing for Livingston County and how he has soured the atmosphere in Lansing so badly that there is not an ounce of bipartisanship there.

At 5:45 AM, Blogger liberalshateusa said...

Guru, As per your above comments on Chris Ward doing nothing to help our great state then one must assume that you are for Dick DeVos as our current Governor has done nothing to help our great state.

· Michigan has lost a higher percentage of manufacturing jobs since 2000 than any other state. More than 75 percent of the residents say the state is on the wrong track, the worst case of pessimism in Michigan in 20 years.

· About one in five children in Michigan lived in poverty, up from six years ago.

· Almost a third of the state's African Americans lived below the poverty level.

· Detroit remained one of the poorest big cities in the country with almost a third of its residents living below the poverty line.

· Cities and townships posted drops in median household incomes ranging from 24 percent to 6 percent and poverty rates increased in all but three cities.

· Detroit, with 31 percent of its residents living below the poverty line, remains one of the poorest big cities in the country, neck and neck with Cleveland at 32 percent of its residents living in poverty.

· Michigan has lost one job for every 10 minutes Granholm's been in office.

Sharon Parks, a spokeswoman for the Michigan League for Human Services, a Lansing-based anti-poverty group. "What's more important is the poverty rate. It's an indication of the level of need out there that is not being addressed. It should serve as a real wake-up call."
The poverty rates in a number of Michigan counties were significantly higher than the statewide average of 13.2 percent in 2005, including Muskegon County, with a poverty rate of 14.9 percent. Isabella County in mid-Michigan had the highest rate at 24.2 percent, followed by Wayne (19.5 percent), Berrien (18.9 percent), Ingham (18.8 percent) and Saginaw (17.5 percent).
The child poverty rate, covering children 18 years or younger was 21.3 percent in Muskegon County, higher than the state average of 18.5 percent. It was the highest in Berrien County in southwest Michigan at 30.6 percent. The remaining four counties in the top five for child poverty were Wayne (29.1 percent), Van Buren (25 percent), Saginaw (24.9 percent) and Genesee (23.6 percent).
From Argus 9/3/06

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Well robo poster, even though I answered the very same rant before I’ll answer it again.

All of the stats you cite are true, liberal. Why doesn’t the no-nothing Legislature where Ward is the leader of that obstructionist group as the No. 3 man in seniority shoulder any of the blame? Do you think those dire indicators happened in just three short years? Is the Governor to blame for the auto industry slump? You should read what I posted here on 8/25/06.

“a weak auto industry - not high taxes - are at the heart of Michigan's struggling economy, and that “Michigan has lagged behind the rest of the nation since 2000 almost entirely because of the decline of Michigan's automakers,” according to a story Tuesday in the Lansing State Journal.

The governor has a plan, and despite the legislative leaders doing whatever they can to stay in power, grab more power and make her look bad it has attracted more than 26 companies to the state and retained more. Here’s a link, http://www.granholmforgov.com/site/PageServer?pagename=jobs_map.

The difference between Mike and the Amway guy is Mike has double the business experience he has, and it has actually been successful business experience. Mike has also has experience in government as well, and the Amway guy doesn’t. Mike has actually had the experience of working for a living, raising a family and putting his kids through college in this tight economy.


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