Mike McGonegal for the Michigan House

Mike McGonegal is running for the Michigan House of Representatives from the 66th District, and this is his official campaign blog. It is monitored and posted b y his Communications Director.


Ward shuns local businesses

I notice Chris Ward is holding his “Annual fundraiser” on Monday. I suspect it happens much more than annually, and I can also guarantee that’s how Mr. Ward will conduct his campaign leading up to November, a series of fundraisers. In other words it will cost voters $50 to meet him, but that’s really pretty cheap because it costs the lobbyists and special interest groups a whole lot more than that, and they are actually his constituents.
That’s not really the surprising part. The part I don’t understand is why is he holding it at a restaurant in Novi.

Novi is not in the 66th District. Couldn’t he find a decent restaurant in the 66th District, Livingston County or Milford?

Thee are plenty of great restaurants in his district or near his district owned by local business people who employ local people who live in and support the community. Why can’t he support them?

How about TW & Friends, which is in his district in Genoa Township? How about the Stillwater Grill, JR’s Iron Grill or the Brighton House? How about all the great restaurants in downtown Brighton, Howell or Milford?

E-mail him at WardforStateRep@hotmail.com and ask him why he deosn't support local businesses.


At 6:43 PM, Blogger Daniel Christianson said...

Dear Communications Guru,

I have never met a politician more willing to give his time freely to his constituency than Chris Ward. Your insinuations are slanderous and could not be futher from the truth; and I have no doubt that the voters will agree come November.

At 10:12 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

I’m sorry to disagree with you Daniel, but the record says otherwise. I suggest you read some of the articles I have posted – and these are not my words – and see if you hold the same opinion. Power can sometimes change people, and this is a prefect illustration of that fact.
Also, I am not insinuating anything here, and slander applies to the oral communications. Perhaps you mean libel, but the problem is the statement is true.

At 8:48 AM, Blogger BigShot said...

Why should we allow Democrates to take away power from a party wo is against gay marrige, for supporting our troops, for small government, made some of the most vital accomplishments, (see Lincoln, Reagan, George W. Bush), who are against abortions, and who are planily more patriotic?

If I could vote I would never vote for a party who stands for gay marrige, slanders our troops, increases tax's, for abortion, simply put for most things that are against normal peoples morales! Since I cannot vote I will do everything I can to make sure people like Chris Ward, Dick DeVos, Valde Garcia, Mike Rogers, and all Republican candidates win in November for one reason, they are the party with morales, and a backbone!

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Communications guru said...

The answer is simple. They have held the reigns of power and have done nothing with it except try to find more ways to stay in power. That especially applies to Mr. Ward.

Democrats are for love and marriage, and the government has no right to tell you or me who we can or cannot marry. Please show me where Democrats support gay marriage. What we support is not writing discrimination into the Constitution and discrimination in general. We truly support the troops so much we think they should only be placed in harms way when our country is in danger and has been threatened. And when we put them in harms way we believe they should have the proper equipment and strength to accomplish a clear cut and defined mission with a clear exit strategy and plan for victory.

If republicans are for small government then why has the bureaucracy grown under Bush? If you have to go back to President Lincoln for one of those “most vital accomplishments” there’s a problem. Also, name one vital accomplishment. Democrats are both pro-life and pro-choice, but none are pro-abortion. There is no litmus test for Democrats on this issue like there is for republicans. Pro-choice Democrats support a women’s right to choose, and because we believe in freedom and less government they believe the government has no business in such a private manner. The fact is this is not a state issue, or even a federal issue.

Most believe abortion should be legal, safe and rare, and that’s what happened under President Clinton. According to the CDC, abortions went down from 1.3 million in 1988 to just 857,475 in 2000, despite the population increasing every year. I can provide a link if you want.

I don’t know how you can possibly claim republicans are more patriotic when it’s working class people who primarily serve in the military. That’s your opinion, and in my opinion the exact opposite is true.

Obviously, you are free to support the status quo if you please, but fortunately there are plenty of people who are not happy with the direction of the state and country under the republicans. Those are the people we are reaching. We are reaching the people who vote with their minds and not their hearts, like you. If you truly and honestly look at the issues you will find it’s the Democratic Party that is the party of morals, but getting you to admit the truth is another matter.

Good luck, and thank you for your comments.

At 12:25 PM, Blogger BigShot said...

I would have to say that not only did Lincoln make vital accomplishments for America also, (as I stated in my above comment), that Reagan made vital accomplishments by destroying Communisim in Russia, Newt Ginggrich did it by making "The Contract with America", President Bush did it by acknowledge that terror is an emminent threat to American security, it took Theador Rossevelt to make a national parks system, Republican Presidents and leaders have consistantly had some of our nations greatest leaders, who are the Democrates great leaders? I can name two, FDR, and JFK, two, to Republicans five. I think you need to admit that Republcians have had the better leaders!!

How can you say that the Democrates are the party of morales when Massachussets, a primarely Democrate stronghold made same sex marriage legal? Same sex marriage goes against everything I stand for. The Democratic party also is a strong supporter of taking "God" out of the Pledge of Alligence!! If you take that out then re-write the constitution because the constitution makes many refrences to "God".

Why the constitution does allow the practice, (or no practice), of any religion, but if you annalyze the constitution and the founding fathers, they were religious men!

I will admit you do have me that beacuracy has increased under President Bush, also our national security has increases also since 9/11. Not a single attack on America, or any of our posts around the world. Can you say that about Clinton?

Every one makes mistakes, I have made them, you probably have to, but when I look down to it, the majority of Democrates support same sex marrige, abortion, and many other unethical things, while the Republicans support all of the things that I hold dear, my morales!!!

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Yes, I agree with you that all the republican presidents – and all the presidents - are great men; you don’t rise to the presidency of the greatest country in the word without being on the ball.

However, crediting former President Reagan with single handily wining the 40-year Cold War is a little too much, and many, many people had a hand in and dies in that struggle.

You talk so much about morals, but yet you think Newt Gingrich is a great man? I suggest you take a close look at both his personal and professional records before you make that judgment.

The biggest terrorist attack on U.S. soil occurred under President Bush’s watch, and I would not say he “acknowledge that terror is an imminent threat to America” because he had advance intelligence about the 9/11 attack. Granted, he should not shoulder all of the blame for 9/11, but he should accept some. However, the Iraq fiasco has nothing to do with combating terrorism or the security of the U.S.

As for Democratic presidents with vital accomplishments; how abut Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, who wrote much of the Constitution. James Monroe, the Monroe Doctrine. Woodrow Wilson, helped win WWI and paved the way for the League of Nations, the forerunner to the U.N. FDR, helped save the free world, established social security, Medicaid and lifted the nation out of the Depression. Truman, ended WWII, organized NATO and held defeat Communism. LBJ, the Civil Rights Act. JFK, the Space Race. President Clinton balanced the federal budget, a peace agreement with Israel and the Palestinians and eight years of pace and prosperity.
I think you need to admit that Democrats have had the better leaders.

I’ve told you my personal views on gay marriage. Democrats are for love and marriage, and the government has no right to tell you or me who we can or cannot marry. What we support is not writing discrimination into the Constitution and discrimination in general. As for Massachusetts, isn’t Governor Mitt Romney a republican?

As for the Pledge, neither Mike nor I support taking it out “under God” out of the Pledge, and if it ever reaches the House floor, he will vote to keep it in. However, just as a fact you may have overlooked, it was not in the original pledge, and it was only added in the 1950s.

I’m not going to get into a discussion with about religion, other than it belongs in church and in your heart. You are correct that many of the founding fathers were “religious men,” but why does than matter? In fact, Thomas Jefferson, who wrote much of the Constitution, was a Deist, a view that reason and logic, rather than revelation or tradition, should be the basis of belief in God.

I’m glad you can admit that government has increase under Bush, but I cannot agree with you when you say our national security has increased after 9/11 because it’s simply not true. What do you call the death of U.S. soldiers in Iraq via IEDs? Terrorist attacks?

The majority of Democrats support equal rights and fairness, and we do not support abortion. In fact, abortions went down, like I showed you, under President Clinton. I would like to see that number shrink to zero. Making it illegal will not accomplish that goal. My morals say to me that every child, regardless of economic means, should have access to quality health care, food and a quality education. It also says adults should also have that same access to health care, food and access to a decent paying job. We should all invest in this great country with our taxes, and we should all pay our fair share. The people who can afford to pay more should.

That’s why I’m a Democrat, the moral party.

Thank for the good, clean debate, Big shot.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger BigShot said...

Mr. Guru,

I did admit that the Democrates had two great presidents. Also Jefferson, and Madison were great Presidents but they belonged to a different Democratic Party.

Why I could continue with this debate I think my time is up and I will leave it to some one else. It was very good to have a debate, and I wish you all the luck, just not Mr. McGonegal.


At 7:20 AM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Thanks for the civilized debate. The Democratic Party is the same party. I suggest you read “Party of the People: A History of Democrats” by Jules Witcover.
I would also suggest that instead of just voting straight party, look at the qualifications, character and positions of the candidates, and I believe you will find Mike is the best candidate.


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