Mike McGonegal for the Michigan House

Mike McGonegal is running for the Michigan House of Representatives from the 66th District, and this is his official campaign blog. It is monitored and posted b y his Communications Director.


Check out one of the candidates in the 66th District House Race on Project Vote Smart

It’s getting harder and harder to find groups out there who will help voters wade through all of the claims made by politicians and special interests groups that don’t have a partisan agenda. Perhaps the most well known is the League of Woman Voters, and their goal simply to increase voter turnout with well-informed voters.

Another non-partisan group doing a wonderful job helping voters make informed decisions at the polls is called Project Vote Smart. The goal is the same as the LWV, but it digs a lot deeper. Thousands of citizens - conservative and liberal alike- working together, spending endless hours researching the backgrounds and records of thousands of political candidates and elected officials to discover their voting records, campaign contributions, public statements, biographical data -including their work history - and evaluations of them generated by over 100 competing special interest groups.

Like the LWV, Project Vote Smart also wants to hear from the candidates. You can check out the link by clicking the title and see Mike’s response. Unfortunately you will not see our opponent’s responses. Instead you will find this blurb.

“Representative Chris Ward repeatedly refused to provide any responses to citizens on issues through the 2006 National Political Awareness Test when asked to do so by leaders of both major parties including: John McCain, Republican Senator, “even though Ward is one of the Michigan legislative co-chairs of his Presidential campaign.


At 7:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it is free speech than why not tackle the tough issues raised on this site because public candidates are subject to scrunity and such a small position as these two seek demands a contrast of people. So are these issues true or not and if true why not give them the Foley treatment.

At 10:52 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Welcome to the blog Gerald, and I thank you for your comments. However, you are going to have to be a little more specific because I’m not sure exactly what issues you are talking about. Mike has not ducked any issues that I’m aware of, and he welcomes any scrutiny of his public as well as personal life. I’m also not sure exactly sure what the “Foley treatment” is, but we will try our best to address any issues and answer any question you may have.

At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just a suggestion but is your man in the neighborhods and the churches and what is his religion? Does he go to church and live the commandments? Does he lead a moral life?

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Yes, Mike lives in Green Oak Township, and he goes door-to-door every night to meet and talk to voters.
I don’t really think religion is an election issue, but he is a Roman Catholic. He studied in a Seminary and Catholic Boarding School for almost eight years to become a Priest like his bother. He goes to St. Patrick Church. Of course he is a very moral man, and we welcome any examination of his personal and professional life.

At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep Saw THE PROJECT VOTE web and this mcgonegal cat is a smart one saw him in Brighton and he is a sharp dresser too.

At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ward is said to be a member of our church but he has not been there since he and his wife seperated. Let us all pray for the children.

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

While I agree with you that Mike is very smart, I’m not so sure about the rest of your post. A “sharp dresser?” Are we talking about the same Mike McGonegal? Please don’t encourage him with that kind of dangerous talk, or he will never get rid of that ugly puke green tie.

At 10:34 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

I want to welcome you to the blog and thank you for taking the time to comment, Bonnie, and I hope you continue to do so. However, I must please ask you not to comment on our opponent’s personal life unless it becomes a campaign issue. Please continue to send your prayers out, but please refrain from talking about personal matters that effect children. His supporters are already crying foul and smarting from our legitimate examination of his ethically challenged political record, and I’m sure they will some how use this against us if the personal stuff does not stop.


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