Mike McGonegal for the Michigan House

Mike McGonegal is running for the Michigan House of Representatives from the 66th District, and this is his official campaign blog. It is monitored and posted b y his Communications Director.


Ward’s campaign promise goes unfulfilled

As we have shown in many of the posts here, there’s not much Mr. Ward will do or say to stay in power. This unfulfilled campaign promise was made in 2002. I wonder how many others he made that were not kept, especially when you consider how careful he has been not to make any promises and what a low profile he has kept in the 66th District in the last couple of years. Check the headline above to read it for yourself.

“When the new 66th district boundaries were announced, many citizens of the Milford community thought they would be ignored in a majority Livingston County seat. Chris decided early in this campaign to spend a great deal of time in Milford to address these concerns. He also committed to opening a district office in Milford and keeping scheduled office hours in the community. This hard work paid off when the Milford Times printed an article “House Candidate Woos Milford” in January. The article highlighted Chris’ very active campaign to reach out to Milford community leaders and citizens.”


At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some may say Mike is a dreamer for trying to defeat Mr.Ward.It is however the American dream.And nothing in this world takes the place of persistence.He seems determined to make the right things happen and we will not be surprised to see him win.You should not be surprised to know he was a hell of a boxer in his youth and he knows how to battle in the civil ring of politics.

At 12:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taiwan is again in the news today. Yesterday Mrs.Chen was indicted and Mr.Chen is being pressured to resign.So what do these crooks have to do with why Mr.Ward went there.This site claims not to know . Suggestion: Find Out! Does not seem right.Something rotten in Denmark.Why no radio spots demanding an explaination.

At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's look at the 66th and give mike a shot at it. chris has done little for us but has managed some personal slippery slopes and needs to be replaced by a moderate fiscal conservative who in fact is not a tax and spend guy.nafta and cafta have done serious harm in our district and the war in iraq is killing not only our young but also the economy.mike has a boy currently serving so to him the stakes are very high and very real.this idea of selfless service from mike and his kid needs to be contrasted with selfish service from chris who seems to put himself above us.

At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike and Guru commend your efforts on this page could not find that Ward has a blog but thanks for all your hard work. Think more people read than post.

At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

America will be no safer even when Sadam is no more. Fail to see how the war on terror and the war in Iraq are related but Mr.Ward agrees with whatever the president says on the war just because he is blindly following the republican line.Time for Mr.Ward to pay the price for blind support of the president.

At 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unemployment in our state is now above 7% and the job losses are massive.And yes we as owners of our own shops are feeling the sting.I don't happen to drink so I am angry over Mr. Ward's pandering to these wine folks. Many deaths on our roads are due to drunk drivers and this may be a strech but I would not be so upset if he took a lot of money from some group who could give our state high paying jobs. No more Ward!

At 5:45 PM, Blogger Communications guru said...

Thanks for your support, Brighton Friends. We know this is an uphill battle, but Mike believes hard work and honesty will overcome dishonesty and taking voters fro granted.

Thanks for the information, Concerned. I know this may sound like a cop out and I apologize ahead of time for doing it, but I really do not have the resources or the time to conduct an investigation of Taiwan. Frankly, I would love the media to do the job it was intend for and get some of those answers. Hell, I would be satisfied with the press even raising the questions in print instead of giving his junket a paragraph mention.

I have said time and time again this is a free speech zone, and as such we even have to endure crackpot rants from people like Looney: and you truly are. However, I would appreciate if you would post the next rant in just one place. If not I’ll just delete the rest the next time and just keep one of them.

We are, in case you were not aware, running a race fro the Michigan House of Representative not the U.S. House. You cite a lot of numbers, but prove only one source with no link to any info. There is no way the U.S. Labor Department could possibly provide all of the alleged data you posted. It also doesn’t take a genius to know that if our population is growing, so will jobs.

What web site did you get these talking points from so I can really check it out?

Right is Nite, Mike is Right. Interesting name, but thanks for your support. You are correct, his record clearly shows who Mr. Ward is representing, and it’s not the people of the 66th District.

Thanks for the compliment, Green Oak Gal. Mr. Ward barley has a web site, although he paid a supporter well for it. However, he kind of has a blog, and it’s ran by the same guy he paid to run his web site. It’s called the Republican Michigander, but it’s rarely updated and the writing is dull at best.


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